Local organizers interested in organizing the WSCO Global workshop need to assign a key contact person who will liaise with the WSCO. This person needs to contact the President-Elect and the Treasurer of the WSCO to verify whether there are funds available for a WSCO Global Workshop.
Next, local organizers need to recognize the needs and capabilities of local SLTs:
The organizers need to determine the estimated budget of the workshop:
The organizers need to send the WSCO a completed planning worksheet for WSCO Global Workshops – submission of a proposal of budget details and a recommendation of workshop speaker.
The WSCO will review the workshop’s documentation and contact the speaker in order to determine the speaker’s availability and financial requirements – particularly relating to the expenses which are to be covered by the WSCO.
Definition of specifics (division of costs) – which costs are going to be covered by the local organizers and which will be covered by the WSCO. Also, what are the additional obligations of the local organizers as far as recommending the WSCO – including advertising in the workshop materials and through other multi-media.
Once the workshop is completed, the organizers need to prepare a full report for the WSCO – including comments from organizers, feedback from participants, a photo gallery and all other materials related to the workshop.